After a hectic and exhausting trip Alex arrived at Sydneys airport, beeing extremly nervous because there are so many things to think about: How will his real father treat him after 16-years, will he distance himself or try to be a kind of friend? and what's about his parents, are they anxious? We will see.
Locking out of the window suddenly he saw his "new" family but simultaneous they made him fell very disappointed, hurt and becoming angry because Tom was'nt there. I mean nobody had even warrant that Tom will waiting and Alex should know that he isn't a very communicative person and he could took into convileration that his father was afraid if Alex would ask why he had left the family.Consequently it's not bold, saying that Alex, who arrived building his own mind about his father could develop or take over his mum's doubts about Tombecause he wasn't there. As a compensation Toms wife take Alex with her kids to the beach.Well, he's still furious but otherwise he likes them and the best thing: There he met a girl called Dani and typical boys he likes first her appearance, but when she said, she's playing in a band the Australian trip begins to please him...
Locking out of the window suddenly he saw his "new" family but simultaneous they made him fell very disappointed, hurt and becoming angry because Tom was'nt there. I mean nobody had even warrant that Tom will waiting and Alex should know that he isn't a very communicative person and he could took into convileration that his father was afraid if Alex would ask why he had left the family.Consequently it's not bold, saying that Alex, who arrived building his own mind about his father could develop or take over his mum's doubts about Tombecause he wasn't there. As a compensation Toms wife take Alex with her kids to the beach.Well, he's still furious but otherwise he likes them and the best thing: There he met a girl called Dani and typical boys he likes first her appearance, but when she said, she's playing in a band the Australian trip begins to please him...
2 Kommentare:
Hey Timmööhh
your blog design is very cool, well done!!!
You used nice words to make your opinion clear, with wich i agree!
<3 Püppööhh
Thanks DARLING!!
I Love You !!
Okay, back to the text : Also if we are friends you can write something critical!
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