Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2007

What's your result? Would you recommend the book?

After interpret the cover and the explination behind, everybody had already a prejudiced (voreingenommen) meaning. Honestly my one was very doubtful but the autour inspired my attention again and again by releasing new conditions because of some unexpected events with more and more subsequent background informations. Especially your curiosity and fancy are incited (angeregt) because of some questionable ends.

Of course the style of writing is too unassuming (anspruchslos) for people with an IQ of 160, but tese story of love, fame and conflicts with yourself is probably just for teenagers imaginable because they're sometimes in similar situations.

What moment was especially attention-grabbing for you? Why?

Mini Saga- Chapter 9-10

After seeing the 13 dolphins, everything turns into a nightmare: The sucess decreases, Pete and Joe become racists and the climax is: The police take both into custody.

While time passed Dani move to Alex and because their passion for music continue, they establish their own promising band ,,The Dolphins".

words: 50

Sonntag, 2. Dezember 2007

Up to the top...

In this chapter the autour makes me criticize Alex's expectation and opinion in relation to the succes of the band in an unthinkable frightend way. I'm ahast and disappointed.
Because as far as I'm concered his dream of beeing famous became finally truth, but otherwise his childlike behaviour and meaning he would perform on stage with his girlfriend, fly 1st class and live like a real star without hectic trips and rising requirement is simple foolish (=Idiot) or has he really such unrealistic fancy?!
What's your opinion? Do I exaggerate (übertriben)? Be honest!

Mittwoch, 21. November 2007

Father and son

Task: After reading chapter 7:1. Comment on the following quote: "And, of course, Alex understood only too well." (p.43, l.33)2. Write a different ending of the chapter: "That night, when Alex had gone to sleep, TOM picked up his diary and began writing." (compare p.43, l.34f)

1. In this chapter became clear, that trust and credibility (Glaubwürdigkeit) go hand in hand. On one hand, Alex did'nt really want to understand his dad because he still had doubts that especially growed when Tom wasn't there all the time but otherwise by spending time with his father, Alex recognized that everyone isn't perfect and people always makes mistakes but it's never to late to apologize. Especially when Alex put himself into Tom's situation, he had probably acted in the same way, then who wants to stay with a person with which you have lived apart. Slowly but surely Alex understand his dad's decision because friends should accept those.

2. Friday, 8 February
Today, Alex and I had a quite trustful conversation. To be honest I've expected Alex question, why I've left him already earlier. Also if I was preapered because I always had to think about, I was afraid that he nevertheless could understand something wrong. But fortunately I think that he took receipt of my answer. Or at least I hope, because he haven't really showed some of his feelings. But when I looked at the passed day I know we've augmented our trust, also if there are 16 years between us.
Alex, I hope you've accept me as your father!
What do you think, has Alex enought trust to his father that he will tell him about Dani? and What's about the band, how will they go on?

Into the rainforest

Task:Before you read the 6th chapter: Predict what Alex tells Tom when he meets him for the first time after 16 years?• After you read the 6th chapter: What did Alex say? Were you right? Give evidence from the text. (quote!)Optional• Write an own stanza (Strophe) for “Jumpy” or “Earthquake”. quote Mrs Karstädt

As far as I'm concered, there are many sides how their first conversation could expire: Of course I don't expect a incredible sensitiv and trustful discussion because first they have to to clarify their feelings about meeting after 16 years. Nevertheless it's questionable if Tom explaination wouldn't be irreparable and if Alex is ready to forgive him. Also if Tom called like an irressponsible person, I'm sure in a detailed discussion with his son, it will become clear why he left the family or why it seemed that he wasn't interested in Alex all the time. Thereby in my opinion the importantest fact if the doubts of Alex' mum that Toms only reason was his carrier, are jstified.

Unfortunately after reading the 6 chapter it's a pity that my question wasn't replied but otherwise we learned a lot about their both feelings and thoughts and it was to expect Alex reacted reacted very cold. I was right that they really have a hesitating talk and they are very awkward.That became especially clear when they are drinking alcohol page 31, line 17. But the real decision Alex have to made was: Should Tom become a friend or someone he will never contact again p.32, l.18. Althought Tom is still unsure about the actual situation, but he tries to do his best, to spend the time he has as good as he can p.32, l. 38. Maybe Alex had lost his dad even since 16 years but at least at this point he became a new friend.
Songtext: Earthquake
They told a vibration stoked the earth
But what I can't explain, they can't know.
My stomach-ache spread when I hear their grorify.
Can't you see my walls are tumbling down,
can't you see the moon is flashing round,
can't you that the light shows all the destruction
can't you see the children are left alone
can't you see the earthquake shaked the world
But I can see nothing, nothing round here.

Sonntag, 18. November 2007

The face in the crowd - 5th chapter

By reading the text, I got a heart attack! Oh, well the cow died..what the hell.. is the author completly insane?! Applause, applause what a wonderful caricature of intentional represented insanity.
Our Task: Read chapter 5 and ask 3-5 questions on the text in your blog. (Don’t use any yes/no-questions!) Your classmates are supposed to answer them. And you go to three other blogs and answer the questions posted there.After your classmates have answered your questions you write a post in which you briefly add your own ideas. Use discussion phrases!

copied from Mrs. Karstädt because I was lazy writing down x)

Questions for Marcia, Emmi and Joscha.

1. " The journey back was a nightmare" What was your first thougt? (be creative, write something crazy)
2. Who do you think has the better resons instead of calling the police? How would you react?
3. Because of the behaviour in relation of the accident, name some important facts, is there anybody you would say is you're favourite character.
4. the situation of the picture a) Is there an other word or textline you would add or change about the songtext or b) what do think who have wrote the songtext and why? Page 29, line 26-30.
5. What was your feelings about this chapter? What had you expect by reading the head line?
Thanks ! _But only if you write a comment._

Dienstag, 13. November 2007

The big decision

While they're on tour with their band, Alex' and Denis' relationship is getting closer and closer for that reason it's getting more importent for Alex what Dani is thing about him. They both remarked that they enjoy beeing in the spotlight, but Alex afraid we would like beeing famous because of the money. Otherwise is presumption a characteristic of famous people, but that's not something he want to identifive, especially not in relation to Dani. It's not questionable why Alex had reacted very confused and Dani should have to deal with the actual expected answer. I mean nobody want to make a conceited impression on his or her friend. On the other hand they felt sorry for behaviour and they got along with each other.

But nevertheless their argument don't really end like an usual ''Happy End'', what do you think.

Montag, 5. November 2007

The isle and the mountain

Alex went for one week to Mary's brother Kevin who lives in Adelaide for getting to know Australian sides better. After some days they went to Mary's Peak, a high mountain. When they arrived Kevin started to tell about the former times climing the rock with Tom, his uncle. Alex interrupted him with tears in his eyes, completing Kevin's sentence because just he had made such a bad experience with his father that he's really have doubts meeting his dad, although he went therefor to Australia. As far as I concered it's one of the reasons why he was not interested in meeting him anymore. Alex didn't look forward meeting his father, that became especially clear when we take a look at this thoughts. Meantime is his distrust facing his father understandable and when you have to ask yourself if you wouldn't act in the same way.

Sonntag, 4. November 2007

The first 66 hours

After a hectic and exhausting trip Alex arrived at Sydneys airport, beeing extremly nervous because there are so many things to think about: How will his real father treat him after 16-years, will he distance himself or try to be a kind of friend? and what's about his parents, are they anxious? We will see.
Locking out of the window suddenly he saw his "new" family but simultaneous they made him fell very disappointed, hurt and becoming angry because Tom was'nt there. I mean nobody had even warrant that Tom will waiting and Alex should know that he isn't a very communicative person and he could took into convileration that his father was afraid if Alex would ask why he had left the family.Consequently it's not bold, saying that Alex, who arrived building his own mind about his father could develop or take over his mum's doubts about Tombecause he wasn't there. As a compensation Toms wife take Alex with her kids to the beach.Well, he's still furious but otherwise he likes them and the best thing: There he met a girl called Dani and typical boys he likes first her appearance, but when she said, she's playing in a band the Australian trip begins to please him...

Dienstag, 30. Oktober 2007

The Australian Connection - First impression

After the first pages I can imagine Alex as the main character of this book.
Especially beeing confident and brave are some skills I've expected before reading.
And definitely he's because, before he had asked his mother or checked his results of the exam, he already wrote a letter to his father.
At all, the reaction of Alex' mother was to expect because mothers that have to breeded children alone are very doubtful opposite to the fathers.
The cover of the book

Montag, 29. Oktober 2007

Das bin ich

Ich bin ein Mädchen mittleren Alters, die Daria Werbowy, Schokolade, kluge Menschen (nicht wissende), Kate Moss, dumme Witze, Fast-Food, laute Lieblingsmusik, Pralinen, Haferbrei, Jubiläumsfreunde, Miez & Fassbrause mag.