Sonntag, 9. Dezember 2007

Mini Saga- Chapter 9-10

After seeing the 13 dolphins, everything turns into a nightmare: The sucess decreases, Pete and Joe become racists and the climax is: The police take both into custody.

While time passed Dani move to Alex and because their passion for music continue, they establish their own promising band ,,The Dolphins".

words: 50

2 Kommentare:

müsli hat gesagt…

Hey Timmemouse,
in my opinion you used the perfect words to say what are the two chapters about, you thought about every post before writing very detailed, I think. You worked with the book (but forgot to write it down) and only posted the most important facts, not that Pete and Joe got a tatoo, drunk alc, and so on, only one aspect, and this is enough!

love, prillii

müsli hat gesagt…

Hey timme,
me again, I only forgot to say, that your blog is successful as your posts. Nice pictures and little details that make every reader smile like the calculator for ralation...

love, prillii