Because as far as I'm concered his dream of beeing famous became finally truth, but otherwise his childlike behaviour and meaning he would perform on stage with his girlfriend, fly 1st class and live like a real star without hectic trips and rising requirement is simple foolish (=Idiot) or has he really such unrealistic fancy?!
What's your opinion? Do I exaggerate (übertriben)? Be honest!
8 Kommentare:
HI Jana,
I have written an answer in my blog to your comment.
*_* Julia K.
To your comment on my blog:
I think that you did not understand what I wanted to tell with my post.
On one hand I think that it is wonderfull that alex can see animals who are very nice and special but this is not the important thing.
If you ask me, it is more importend that he thinks about his life and his situation, he thinks about his succes.
It is my opinion and I will not change it even if you do not like it.
I did not write just that it is great that he sees the dolphins because they are nice animals and if you would have understood my post, you would know I think.
To your comment:
Your right, Alex is not sure if he likes his succes and new life or if he does not like it.
That is finally that what I wanted to say with my post.
Hello Timö,
answer is on my blog..
I think that you exaggerated a little bit because I disagree with your thoughts that Alex think he doesn`t do anything else as playing in the band.....is that what you mean??? i didn`t understand anything...please answer in my blog!
yours Laura!
To your comment on my blog:
You asked me:
1. What do you think how will the band carrer go on, will the characters change? and 2. What would be the first thing you would by with 1million bucks??
1. Now I had already read the end, but I also thougt, that the band's success decreased...
2. Hm....maybe new clothes.... Sorry, but why did you ask that? There stand nothing about it in the context!
Greetings Hanna =)
love you, prillii
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