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What's your result? Would you recommend the book?
After interpret the cover and the explination behind, everybody had already a prejudiced (voreingenommen) meaning. Honestly my one was very doubtful but the autour inspired my attention again and again by releasing new conditions because of some unexpected events with more and more subsequent background informations. Especially your curiosity and fancy are incited (angeregt) because of some questionable ends.Of course the style of writing is too unassuming (anspruchslos) for people with an IQ of 160, but tese story of love, fame and conflicts with yourself is probably just for teenagers imaginable because they're sometimes in similar situations.What moment was especially attention-grabbing for you? Why?
7 Kommentare:
you asked me for answering your question but what did you not understand? could you tell me this agein in my blog? thanks madiha
jey jana,
In my opinion you wasn't really responsive to the task. If I hadn't read "The Australian Connection" your comment would not say so much about the happenings in the book. I find it better, if you write more especially about the book and why you recomment (or don't recomment) it.
cucu, Arda
I love your blog and always look after yours when I have no ideas! You invest a lot of time in your blog even we haven't very much time on the computer.
I thing yours the best...
Love you, JD
Hey jana,
I criticized the way you were writing because I was not able to understand many parts in your comments because you look up so much words in the dictionary.
But you changed your way to write and if there are words you think they could be difficult, you write a translation behind it, thats great, thank you for that, it shows that you are able to respond (eingehen)to the criticism.
I think that is something what is really important in nearly every situation.
Yours madiha
I have to add something:
In my opinion, your blog is very nice but sometimes your text are a little bit to detailed.
I can see that you tried hard for that blog!
hey ♥
that you for your comment :D
and i really want to answer your question but i don't understand waht you mean ...
however i'm very glad, that you like my blog ♥
hey jana! I think the band will be very successful because Dani is a good singer and Alex plays the guitar very well. They write their songtexts on their own I think, that is great because so the are not a band which haven`t no ideas.....^^
I like your blog! you did very well on your psots and you was very creativ....=) well done!
byby Laura
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